Monday, January 24, 2011


The truth is that there is no special exercise or magic formula to build muscle mass really fast but there are advanced techniques that you can focus and persist on to build lean muscle mass without  gaining too much unwanted fat at the same time giving you that ripped and shredded look that turns heads.leaving how to build muscle mass is as easy as ABC .You will understand this as you read the following tips

Break your previous record in every workout
Every time you workout try to break your previous record. If you bench press 100 lbs last time try to lift 110 lbs or 120 lbs next time .You need to keep challenging yourself in every workout if you  need to trigger body  that its under stress which is when the body starts to build muscle mass during repair instead of burning them for  energy.
Always train to muscular failure 
If someone asked me one single technique to show how to build muscle mass quickly  then this one dis every important. Training to muscular failure in every set of every exercise means freaking your body out that it  might  be in danger .This will trigger your body to be prepared for future hazards by building a lot of muscle tissue is a very short period of time.

Run away from your workout after 60 minutes you should stop your workout no matter  how many sets are left. Run away from the gym as quickly as you can .In fact the optimal time i recommend if 45 minute after which the glycogen stores  are totally  depleted and  whatever exercise you do to build muscle mass  will only create a negative result.


Eat high quality food
Just  because you are trying gain muscle mass that does not give  you the permission  to eat like maniac. You can't just go about swallowing everything  edible at sight. You  will  definitely gain weight but  most of it would be form fat.You really do not want to see how that  looks.
Eat high quality lean proteins fiber rich carbs and healthy fats. fill up your  tummy with these quality food items, and you do not have to worry about gaining  unwanted fat. In fact following such a clean diet will get you that ripped and cut look that turn heads at the beach.
Are you satisfied with the 4 tips  on how to build  muscle mass quickly These are few of the many things that you need to follow when trying build lean muscle in the fastest time  possible.Who said that building muscle mass is easy  If that was the case everybody in the gym would be a bodybuilder in just a few months.

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